Sunday, July 7, 2013

Michael Gerson: Republicans must come to terms on immigration

It is sometimes argued, rather piously, that the outcome of the immigration reform debate must be decided on the substance instead of the politics.

And there is much to commend in the substance of the Senate bill , which would improve security at the border, modernize employer verification, shift future green cards toward more skilled applicants and provide undocumented workers a chance to demonstrate they are good citizens (paying fines and back taxes and avoiding a criminal record) before they are sworn in as citizens 13 years down the road.

 But if there is any issue in which politics is unavoidable, it is this one: Immigration policy (along with demographic trends) determines the shape of the future electorate. It is not particularly realistic, or even coherent, to argue that defining the boundaries of the political community should not be sullied by politics.

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