Friday, June 28, 2013

Bigotry Isn’t a Conservative Value

Its time for the hitherto silent majority on this issue to root them out. Real conservatives have never shied away from the problem of racism in America or in the conservative movement. Russell Kirk, one of the godfathers of the New Right, was noted for his condemnations of white supremacy and for the policies that were devastating to the black community. William F. Buckley, founder of the National Review, went on a crusade to root out the John Birchers, the white supremacists and the antisemites.

They come from a long line of conservatives who realized that the essence of conservatism; limited government, natural rights, free markets and the rule of law, demanded a recognition of the moral and political equality of people regardless of race or color. John Quincy Adams, the last of the northern conservatives, was fundamental in the early abolitionist movement, defending the African men who commandeered the slaver Amistad.

The Radical Republicans were crucial in the passage of the 13th and 14th Amendments, convincing and cajoling the rest of the party. Lincoln, the first Republican president, realized that the moral equality between Americans was the essence of this American experiment of government. This trend continued after the Civil War, as Grant crushed the KKK, Eisenhower stood up to George Wallace, and Republicans, such as Governor George Romney, were critical in the passage of the Civil Rights Act. We have a proud heritage of resisting this pernicious doctrine that preaches discrimination and hate towards us.


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