Monday, August 5, 2013

Karl Giberson - Growing up in Michele Bachmann's world

Michele Bachmann and I grew up in the same evangelical world.

We heard similar sermons, read similar books – most importantly the Bible – and we followed the same anointed leaders. By the time we were in college our generation of evangelicals had been educated into a profoundly different worldview than that of the secular, anti-Christian, Satan-following Ivy League elites we had been taught to fear.

We understood the world to be a spiritual battleground with forces of good pitted against forces of evil. Real angels and real demons hovered about us as we prepared to wage these wars. We sang songs like Onward, Christian Soldiers in our churches. At summer camps and vacation Bible schools we stamped our feet, and waved our arms as we sang with good Christian gusto I'm in the Lord's Army. We knew which side we were on. 


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