Saturday, August 31, 2013

New Group For Young Conservatives Looks To Drown Out GOP Cranks

New Group For Young Conservatives Looks To Drown Out GOP Cranks

A new organization for young conservatives will kick into gear next week with the express goal of “drowning out” the cranks and cooks who have “hijacked” the Republican Party, and converting a generation of dissatisfied Democrats and independents on college campuses across the country.
“The thesis of our organization is that young people are not liberal,” said Josh Nass, a Brandeis student and founder of the group, Voices of Conservative Youth.

“They vote for Democrats but that is not a function of their genuine political philosophy. And that’s not their fault, it’s ours. The party and the leadership has given them no attention, has done nothing in terms of outreach, and we’re going to change that.”

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Monday, August 5, 2013

The impact of US immigration policy on economic growth

Tamar Jacoby, the president and CEO of ImmigrationWorks, and Talib Karim, the managing attorney of TEC law group, joined CCTV Biz Asia America and gave insight on the relationship between immigration and the US economy.

Why are Texas Republicans Attacking pro-choice Republican Sarah Davis and Not "Windy" Davis?

Last week, my fellow TexasGOPVote blogger David Bellow wrote an article attacking the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) and Texas State Representative Sarah Davis (R-134) over the Party's support of Davis in the 2012 general election. Sarah Davis is a moderate Republican in a swing district.

 The reason for the attack? Davis was the only Republican to vote against the anti-abortion bill now before a second special session of the Texas Legislature. This is a distraction and a misdirected attack. Should we be focusing our attention on Republican Sarah Davis, or would our time and attention be better spent on Democrat Senator Wendy "Windy" Davis? -

 See more at:

The Founding Fathers Were Not Libertarians

Less government, more freedom -- four words that encapsulate the central tenet of libertarianism, the nutshell within which the seed of anti-federal sentiment gestates into a full-grown nut. As political philosophies go, it seems rational enough; even though I strongly disagree with the priorities of the modern libertarian movement, I understand why my government-averse friends believe the things they believe, as opposed to, say, my friends who are Yankee fans, or my friends who liked Avatar.
If you are the type of person who conceives of freedom as a measurable commodity, it makes perfect sense to oppose the EPA, the Department of Education, mandatory health care, civil rights legislation, banking regulations and taxes -- each represents a limitation on your range of personal choices. Even though I have a wholly different conception of what "freedom" means, I welcome the libertarian voice in our national discourse; I think the debate makes us a civically stronger nation, despite my frustration with what I honestly see as the moral bankruptcy of the vision of governance espoused by Cato's congregation.

Karl Giberson - Growing up in Michele Bachmann's world

Michele Bachmann and I grew up in the same evangelical world.

We heard similar sermons, read similar books – most importantly the Bible – and we followed the same anointed leaders. By the time we were in college our generation of evangelicals had been educated into a profoundly different worldview than that of the secular, anti-Christian, Satan-following Ivy League elites we had been taught to fear.

We understood the world to be a spiritual battleground with forces of good pitted against forces of evil. Real angels and real demons hovered about us as we prepared to wage these wars. We sang songs like Onward, Christian Soldiers in our churches. At summer camps and vacation Bible schools we stamped our feet, and waved our arms as we sang with good Christian gusto I'm in the Lord's Army. We knew which side we were on. 


Representatives Wagner and Capito address The Ripon Society

Representatives Shelley Moore Capito and Ann Wagner speak to a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society on July 31, 2013 in Washington, DC.